GB - China National Standards  
• Easily find China National Standards (GB) for each sort of Import Commodity,
• Help to determine whether the Commodities are in compliance with China's quality standards
• Easily find Import Commodity Inspection and Quarantine Operational Standards of CIQ,
• Help imported commodities pass CIQ inspection and quarantine

GB standards are the China national standards; Prefix code GB are Mandatory standards, GB/T are Recommended standards; All products or service must be compliance with GB standards; If you want export products or services to china, need ensure they are meet the requirements of GB china national standards;  We provide Chinese and English version GB standards  Lookup, Translate, Download, Purchase service.

GB Standards Free Search

More than 180,000 China National GB Standards, Industry standards & Regulations databse for free search.
You can easily lookup the China GB standards for any products and services by Multiple query methods, keyword fuzzy search, China GB standards code exact query,etc. 

GB Standards English Translation

GB standards are all Chinese, almost no official English version, we provide professional GB standard translation services, to help you better understand the GB standards. Our translators possess professional expertise in each field, can translate of any kind of GB standards quickly, competently and for a fair price. .


GB Standard Laboratory Testing

All products being imported in China are required to be tested in order to ensure their compliance with GB standards; We cooperate with many China government authorized test institute, Can provide all GB standards test, These test reports are recognized by all Chinese supervision, including CFDA, CNCA, MOA, AQSIQ, CIQ, Customs, etc.

GB Standard Compliance Service

We can help ensure your product meet quality, safety and compliance to Chinese GB standards and other regulation requirements.  We offer you expert knowledge in product compliance and conformance to GB specifications, providing a range of services to support you in selling your products in China.


2021年4月,中国海关总署颁布了248号令 249号令, 2项GACC法令规定:

2024年8月13日, 海关总署发布 2024年第105号公告,“关于进口食品进出口商备案功能有关事宜的公告”,自2024年9月5日起,原来11位的进口食品境外出口商或者代理商备案号作废, 海关核发进口食品境外出口商或者代理商新的18位统一编码,用于办理通关业务。



在线申请  GACC注册号查询

1. 工作内容: 处理海外客户的电邮和在线咨询(微信,Whatsapp),指导客户准备各类GACC注册申请文件,协助客户办理相关GACC注册申请。
2. 学历经验:外语类或者外贸相关专业,英语听说流利,能和海外客户自由口语交流;有进口食品贸易或报关工作经验者优先考虑,公司提供GACC注册专业培训;
3. 工作时间:空闲时间,在家工作;
4. 薪资水平:按单计酬,根据GACC注册的类型不同,每单¥100-¥500不等;

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