•  中国海关HS编码(商品学名): 7304
  • HS编码 HS系统商品规范中英文名称 HS编码归类 进口税率 海关申报 到岸成本计算器 CIQ编码 跨境电商 个人邮包
    7304199000 其他管道管
    Other tubes, pipes of iron or steel(line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines )
    7304419000 冷轧的不锈钢制的其他无缝管
    Other tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( cold-drawn or cold-rolled )
    7304591001 高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管(抗拉强度≥620MPa、屈服强度≥440MPa)
    Alloy steel seamless steel tubes for pressure and high temperature (tensile strength, yield strength ≥ 620MPa ≥ 440MPa ≥ 127mm) (boiler tube, the chemical composition (wt%) 0.07 ≤ C ≤ 0.13, 8.5 ≤ Cr ≤ 9.5, 0.3 ≤ Mo ≤ 0.6, 1.5 ≤ W ≤ 2, non cold drawn or co
    7304229000 其他不锈钢制钻管
    Other drill pipe, of stainless steel, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas pipelines
    7304112000 不锈钢制114.3mm<外径<215.9mm的管道管
    Tubes, pipes, of stainless steel, having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3mm but less than 215.9mm (line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines )
    7304499000 非冷轧的不锈钢制其他无缝管
    Boiler tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( not cold-drawn or cold-rolled)
    7304292000 552兆帕≤屈服强度<758兆帕的其他钻探石油及天然气用的套管及导管
    Other casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, of a yield strength ≥552 Mpa, <758 MPa
    7304519001 高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管(抗拉强度≥620MPa、屈服强度≥440MPa)
    Alloy steel seamless steel tubes for pressure and high temperature (≥ 620MPa, tensile strength, yield strength ≥ 440MPa) (chemical composition diameter ≥ 127mm, (wt%) 0.07 ≤ C ≤ 0.13, 8.5 ≤ Cr ≤ 9.5, 0.3 ≤ Mo ≤ 0.6, 1.5 ≤ W ≤ 2, cold drawn or cold rolled,
    7304293000 屈服强度≥758兆帕的其他钻探石油及天然气用的套管及导管
    Other casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, of a yield strength ≥758 MPa
    7304240000 其他不锈钢制钻探石油及天然气用的套管及导管
    Other casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, of stainless steel
    7304512000 冷轧的其他合金钢无缝地质钻管、套管
    Geological casing and drill pipes , of other alloy steel ( cold-drawn or cold-rolled)
    7304399000 非冷轧的铁制其他无缝管
    Other tubes or pipes ,of circular cross-section, of iron or non-alloy steel (not cold-drawn or cold-rolled )
    7304311000 冷轧的钢铁制无缝锅炉管
    Boiler tubes and pipes, cold-drawn or cold-rolled , of iron or non-alloy steel
    7304113000 不锈钢制外径≤114.3mm的管道管
    Tubes, pipes of stainless steel ,having an outside diament not exceeding114.3mm (line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines )
    7304191000 其他215.9mm≤外径≤406.4mm的管道管
    Tubes, pipes of iron or steel,having an outside diameter of 215.9mm or more but not exceeding 406.4mm , (line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines )
    7304291000 屈服强度<552兆帕的其他钻探石油及天然气用的套管及导管
    Other casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, of a yield strength <552 MPa
    7304392000 非冷轧的铁制无缝地质钻管、套管
    Geological casing and drill pipes ,of iron (not cold-drawn or cold-rolled )
    7304239000 其他钻管
    Other drill pipe, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas pipelines ,other than cast iron
    7304411000 冷轧的不锈钢制无缝锅炉管(冷拔或冷轧的,包括内螺纹)
    Boiler tubes and pipes, of stainless steel ( cold-drawn or cold-rolled, including internal thread)
    7304491000 非冷轧(拔)不锈钢制无缝锅炉管(包括内螺纹)
    Boiler tubes and pipes , of stainless steel ( non cold-drawn or cold-rolled)

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    2021年4月,中国海关总署颁布了248号令 249号令, 2项GACC法令规定:


    2024年8月13日, 海关总署发布 2024年第105号公告,“关于进口食品进出口商备案功能有关事宜的公告”,自2024年9月5日起,原来11位的进口食品境外出口商或者代理商备案号作废, 海关核发进口食品境外出口商或者代理商新的18位统一编码,用于办理通关业务。



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