•  中国海关HS编码(商品学名): 4202
  • HS编码 HS系统商品规范中英文名称 HS编码归类 进口税率 海关申报 到岸成本计算器 CIQ编码 跨境电商 个人邮包
    4202129000 以塑料或纺织材料作面的其他箱包
    Cases(suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers, other than trunks)with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard.
    4202320000 塑料片或纺织材料作面的钱包等物品
    Wallets or purses(referring to articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag)with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials
    4202119090 其他以皮革或再生皮革作面的箱包
    Cases(suit-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers, other than trunks)with outer surface of leather or of composition leather
    4202210090 其他以皮革或再生皮革作面的手提包
    Handbags with outer surface of leather or of compo sition leather (with or without shoulder strap, including those without handle)
    4202920000 塑料片或纺织材料作面的其他容器
    Other containers with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials
    4202990000 以钢纸或纸板作面的其他容器
    Other containers with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard.
    4202310090 以皮革或再生皮革作面钱包等物品
    Wallets or purses(referring to articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag)with outer surface of leather or of composition leather
    4202910090 其他皮革或再生皮革作面其他容器
    Other containers with outer surface of other leather or composition leather
    4202121000 以塑料或纺织材料作面的衣箱
    Trunks and suit-cases with outer surface of plastics or of textile
    4202119010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的箱包
    Cases with outer surface of leather or of composition leather , of endangered wild animals ,in imminent dangers (inclding trunk ,suit -cases , vanity-cases ,executive-cases , brief - cases , school satchels and similar containers )
    4202290000 以钢纸或纸板作面的手提包
    Handbags with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard(with or without shoulder strap, including those without handle)
    4202210010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的手提包
    Handbags with outer surface of leather or of composition leather , of endangered wild animals
    3104202000 纯氯化钾
    Pure potassiun chloride( containing potassiun choride by weight 99.5% or more)
    4202310010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的钱包等物品
    Wallets or purses(referring to articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag)with outer surface of leather or of composition leather , of endangered wild animals
    4202190000 以钢纸或纸板作面的衣箱等
    Trunks(including suit-cases, vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers, other than trunks)with outer surface of plastics or of textile
    4202910010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的其他容器
    Other containers with outer surface of leather or of composition leather , of endan- gered wild animals
    4202390000 以钢纸或纸板作面的钱包等物品
    Wallets or purses(referring to articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag)with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard.
    4202111010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的衣箱
    Trunks with outer surface of leather or of composition leather, of endangered wild animals
    6214202000 山羊绒制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品
    Shawls, scarves, mufflers of cashmere, including mantillas,veils and the like
    4202111090 其他以皮革或再生皮革作面的衣箱
    Trunks with outer surface of leather or of composition leather (other than leather of wild animals)

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    2021年4月,中国海关总署颁布了248号令 249号令, 2项GACC法令规定:


    2024年8月13日, 海关总署发布 2024年第105号公告,“关于进口食品进出口商备案功能有关事宜的公告”,自2024年9月5日起,原来11位的进口食品境外出口商或者代理商备案号作废, 海关核发进口食品境外出口商或者代理商新的18位统一编码,用于办理通关业务。



    在线申请  GACC注册号查询

    1. 工作内容: 处理海外客户的电邮和在线咨询(微信,Whatsapp),指导客户准备各类GACC注册申请文件,协助客户办理相关GACC注册申请。
    2. 学历经验:外语类或者外贸相关专业,英语听说流利,能和海外客户自由口语交流;工作经验不限,公司提供专业培训;
    3. 工作时间:下班时间,在家工作;
    4. 薪资水平:按单计酬,根据GACC注册的类型不同,每单¥100-¥500不等;

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