China Customs GACC Registration
From 1-Jan-2022, All foreign food manufacturers, exporters

 Chinese importers need to be registered with GACC,

then can be imported into China.

GACC-1 Overseas Producers          GACC-2-1 Overseas Exporters         GACC-3-1 Chinese Importers
China GACC Registration Summary 銆
Company: Research-and-Production Enterprise "NIVA" in form Limited Liability Company銆
GACC Registration Number: 80416000123 銆
Registration type: AQSIQ Registration of Overseas General Exporter
Country: 涔屽厠鍏(Ukraine)
Issued year: 2016 銆
Issuing authority: AQSIQ (Has been abolished in 2018)
Status: Inactive (Need be updated to GACC system) 銆
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      Forgot username or password, request retrieval
Note: GACC registration has replaced AQSIQ registration after 2018 , Click to know more detail: