•  中国海关HS编码(商品学名): 1101
  • HS编码 HS系统商品规范中英文名称 HS编码归类 进口税率 海关申报 到岸成本计算器 CIQ编码 跨境电商 个人邮包
    3004311010 已配剂量含重组人胰岛素的单方制剂
    Single preparations, containing recombinant human insulin, put up in measured doses or packings for retail sale
    5401101000 非供零售用合纤长丝缝纫线
    Sewing thread of synthetic filaments, not put up for retail sale
    6110120029 喀什米尔山羊细毛制起绒女套头衫
    Women’s or girls’ pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, of Kashmir(cashmere)goats, piled, knitted or crocheted
    4106311010 蓝湿鹿豚、姬猪皮
    Tanned or crust, wet-blue hides and skins of Babyrousa, Porcula salvania , without hair on
    4107111010 全粒面未剖层整张濒危野牛皮
    Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of endangered bovine, whole hides and skins, full grains, unsplit
    4202111010 以含濒危野生动物皮革或再生皮革作面的衣箱
    Trunks with outer surface of leather or of composition leather, of endangered wild animals
    4403211010 截面尺寸在15厘米及以上的红松原木
    Korean pine rough wood (other than that treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives),of which cross-sectional dimension≥15cm
    4407111011 端部接合的红松厚板材
    Korean pine wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm
    4407111019 端部接合的樟子松厚板材
    Mongolian scotch pine wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm
    4409211010 一边或面制成连续形状的濒危竹地板条(块)
    Floor board strips of endangered bamboo(including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces
    2941101900 氨苄青霉素盐
    Salts of ampicillin
    4911101000 无商业价值的广告品及类似印刷品
    Trade advertising material , commercial catalogues and the like of no commercial value
    5603911010 每平米重≤25克经浸渍的乙烯聚合物制电池隔膜基布
    The wight per square meter is less than or equal to 25g of impregnated polymers of ethylene, including battery diaphragm base fabricimpregnated, coated or laminated coating
    5901101010 胶或淀粉涂布的棉纺织物
    Textile fabrics of cotton, containing 50% or more by weight of cotton, coated with gum or amylaceous substances, bleached, printed and dyed, used for the outer covers of books or the like
    5901101090 胶或淀粉涂布的麻及其他棉纺织
    Textile fabrics of bast fibres and other cotton, coated with gum or amylaceous substances, used for the outer covers of books or the like
    5911101000 包覆纺锤用浸胶的狭幅丝绒织物
    Narrow fabrics made of velvet impregnated with rubber, for covering weaving spindles(weaving beams),(including felt coated ,covered or laminated with rubber,leather or other material and or similar fabrics)
    6110110000 羊毛制针织或钩编的套头衫、开襟衫、马甲(背心)及类似品
    Knitted or crocheted pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles,of wool
    6110120011 喀什米尔山羊细毛手工起绒男套头衫
    Handworked knitted or crocheted Men’s or boys’ pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, of Kashmir (cashmere) goats, piled
    6110120019 喀什米尔山羊细毛制起绒男套头衫
    Men’s or boys’ pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles of Kashmir(cashmere)goats, piled,knitted or crocheted
    0103911010 重量在10千克以下的其他野猪
    Other wild swine, weighing less than 10kg(other than pure-bred breeding)

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